The Gout & Crystal Arthropathy Center (GCAC) strives to deliver the very best personalized, comprehensive, compassionate, and efficient care and support to our patients with gout, pseudogout, and other crystal arthropathies. Our team of experts is dedicated to excellence in patient care through early diagnosis, patient education, personalized treatment, and cutting-edge research in gout and other crystal arthropathies.

Upcoming Offerings


Recruitment for the TRUST Trial has begun. Under the supervision of three doctors, including our own Dr. Hyon Choi, this trial is looking for patients who have had a gout flare within the past year to compare two well-established gout treatment plans. Click below to learn more and sign up!

Lifestyle Gout Visits

Over the course of the next few months, Dr. Yokose will be hosting a four-part virtual group visit series for patients with gout. Join these sessions to learn more about gout and how to adjust your lifestyle to avoid gout flaring. Click below to learn more!